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Retargeting vs Remarketing: What’s the Difference and When to Use Each?

Remarketing and retargeting may sound alike, but their unique approaches set them apart. Discover their differences and when to use each in this blog.


2025年短剧出海市场预计将迎来2-3亿月活跃用户,市场规模达到100亿美元。短剧的海外用户需求旺盛,付费意愿强,为出海提供了新机遇。Mintegral 助力品牌和开发者通过精准市场定位和本地化策略,实现用户增长和变现提升。

광고 가이드: 타겟 CPE 캠페인 운영하기

Target CPE를 활용하여 유료 사용자 확보 효율을 극대화하고 ROI를 증대시킨 성공적인 전략을 살펴보겠습니다.


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